Are you looking to create a more positive, inclusive school climate and culture? Start an Align With Kind Club! Even if you already have an existing club, we can work with you to embed our Align With Kind framework to create more pro-social opportunities on your campus.

Let's Spread Kindness...

We work directly with teachers, administrators, club sponsors, and students to create an Align With Kind Club. We help brainstorm, and fund*, pro-social campaigns at your campus.

Some example activities include:

  • Pen Pal programs
  • Movie Nights
  • Dances/Socials
  • Fun Runs
  • State Testing Anxiety Support

We collaborate with other clubs & organizations.

Is your Student Council, or other organizations, looking for support in more pro-social campaigns? We work directly with your clubs & organizations to design, develop, and even fund* pro-social campaigns at your school!

Message us to find out how we can best support your students to Align With Kind!


Align With Kind means that you live life in a kind, compassionate, and empathetic way.

Imagine how different our classrooms, schools, communities, and world would be if everyone were to Align With Kind. These programs are designed and developed for specific populations in our schools and communities. The PEER Kindness team will provide you with the knowledge and resources to be an agent of change, and to be the "i" in kind.

How it Happened

In 2018, a group of local high school students presented a problem to us: “We are cruel to each other when no one is around and we want to change that.” In that moment, “Align with Kind” was created. Soon after, a logo and t-shirts were designed and Caring for Colorado Foundation awarded PEER Kindness $30,000 to get the program started. Intentional recruitment efforts began across school grades, school locations, school settings and school interests (no small feat) in hopes of capturing ALL youth voices in an organized, youth-led advisory board.


The purpose of Align With Kind is to create a safe inclusive environment for all.

How we do it:

  • Empower students to make a difference in our community by choosing to be positive, encouraging, empathetic, respectful, and kind though compassionate acts of service.

  • Create a community-wide campaign that focuses on being kind to self and others.

  • Get students at the table with adults when key decisions are made about school life

  • Build inclusiveness in school cafeterias and lunchrooms.

Why Do Students Align With Kind?

"I love helping people feel included and like they are a part of a bigger thing. I feel as though everyone should be treated equal and PEER Kindness is a great organization to start!"


"I have been bullied and want to raise awareness for others, and to show there is a light at the end of the tunnel."


"I chose to be a part of PEER Kindness because I wanted to be the forefront of change in the area."


"I want to make a difference."


"PEER Kindness is a chance for me to get out and help people."


"Kindness is a huge part of my values and I want to be able to put it into others life."


"Kindness is worth spreading"


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